Entertainment blog My Onion Soul : Prologue - Who am I ?

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Prologue - Who am I ?

Hola !

Greetings to fellow earthly people and to the aliens who just came to earth for free wifi.

This is an introduction to my blog "My Onion Soul". Well, who am I and why this blog? 

I am a keen observer. 
I see people striving hard to find ideal jobs, good life and meet others' expectations. All that is obligatory in today's world, to do what is expected of you for your own better future. But in that struggle to achieve our goals, we forget who we really are and what we really like to do. I believe in preserving our real self. Sustaining our childhood hobbies helps us rejuvenate our self and fills us with new energy to achieve what we strive for. 

I have tried to keep my hobbies alive; they make me feel stress free and useful. Writing blog is the recent addition to my list of hobbies. This blog is my amateur attempt to the field of writing excluding the essay competitions at school and my small personal diary. My posts might not have any morals to teach you but they would take your mind off from worldly heebie-jeebies. Not being a professional writer, I expect the readers to be encouraging and not strictly judgmental. There is no particular genre of my blog. All thoughts expressed here are inspired from real life thoughts and incidents from my life. I am open to reviews and suggestions from fellow bloggers and readers.

Happy Blogging! :)
I'll be back!! (#Arnold voice)

ill be back terminator photo:  tumblr_lwxbm5k9xP1qgplyq.gif


This blog is meant for recreational purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely intentional and no apologies should be expected. The ideas expressed in the blog strictly belong to the author and must not be taken seriously. Any images used in the posts were searched on Google and belong to their corresponding owners and not the author. If any ideas appear to resemble yours, then the author should be considered as a mind reader and nothing else. If the reader feels insulted or irritated while or after reading the content of this blog, he/she is free to leave the page after sharing it on social websites. If condition persists, consult your physician. This blog is subject to change without notice. No animals or humans were harmed in the process of writing this blog. This blog is suitable for people with high IQ levels and also engineers. All posts of this blog belong to the author and if any part of the text is copied by anyone without prior notice and payment, the person will be punished by God in due time. Charitable investment in the form of cash, cheque or food is humbly accepted. Investments are subject to market risks. Please read the offer document after investing. Investors can drop a mail regarding the payment and in return get a free trip to Mars (*Conditions Applied) 

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