Entertainment blog My Onion Soul : The Inherent Irony of Everything

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

The Inherent Irony of Everything

“Water, water, everywhere,
And all the boards did shrink;
Water, water, everywhere,
Nor any drop to drink.”

"What an irony!", we often say when the apparent happening is somewhat opposite to the expected situation. There is a complexity of emotions, a contradiction of expected results when this thought strikes our mind. Sometimes hilarious but often heart breaking; ironies surround us everywhere, what is required - an observant eye to perceive it. 

People who are extremely cautious and re-check their steps frequently are always bed-ridden, usually end up forgetting something. While there are those who take the leap of faith, decide once, look around and jump off the cliff, bothering least about the consequences. Such kind of people often achieve what they desire without a scratch, while the onlookers stare with their jaws dropped, amazed on the irony of the situation and cursing their cowardice. 

One of the most fascinating form of irony is our own self. We are "something" inside, with our fears, desires, regrets, insecurities, expectations, guilts and incompetencies. But what we project to the outside world? We project what we "wish" to be. We even guide people around us to handle situations we ourselves could never face if subjected to. For example, people who could not get through the IIT-JEE exam after all their attempts, guarantee your kid's admission in the top college regardless of the kid's own caliber or interest. 

In literature or even while talking generally, irony is used to add fun to the conversation or explain something which is contrary to general expectation. It is fun to humor your friends by hurling random ironic statements like "The most silent place to study at my university is the cafeteria and not the library or the study room?" Being a part of speech used on a regular basis, ironies are familiar to many of us. Of course, we never look into whether the usage is correct or not. Found a website http://www.isitironic.com/ where we can actually check whether our usage of irony is correct or not. This website is entertaining and enlightening at the same time. Readers will cast their own vote – you can see the percentages of the votes – and the website will provide the final yes or no verdict.

Some of the best entries from this website are mentioned:

  • Is it ironic that the creative process (for writing) actually kills my creativity?...
83% ironic 17% not ironic

  • The most silent place to study at my university is the cafeteria and not the library or the study room?...
75% ironic 25% not ironic

  • My school email system marks as spam, email that is sent from the school itself?...
89% ironic 11% not ironic  

  • After Christmas a person who hates Christmas time says "Thank God" when it is over....
75% ironic 25% not ironic

  • Having noted that most people do not understand the meaning of irony, we now have a crowd-sourced website that uses majority rule voting to decide what is and is not ironic....
83% ironic 17% not ironic

  • The bank charges you extra money for not having enough money in your account?...
86% ironic 14% not ironic  

  • I posted a generalized statement on Facebook about being disappointed in people's behavior and the person I am aiming it at unknowingly likes my post?...
83% ironic 17% not ironic

  • I said "I made a typo" and then misspelled typo?
86% ironic 14% not ironic  

  • I took the advice from the Charlie Chaplin song, "smile", with the lyric: "smile even though your heart is breaking"...  which I did at a funeral. I was kicked out the funeral because people thought I was happy the deceased was dead. And because of the lyric: "smile through your fear", I smiled at a scary man who was growling at me and he punched me because he thought I was disrespecting him....
90% ironic 10% not ironic 

  • Benedict Cumberbatch, who narrated a documentary where he mispronounced the word "penguins" numerous times, starred in the "Madagascar" spin-off film "Penguins" of Madagascar!!...
78% ironic 22% not ironic

So, irony comes from contradiction between the apparent and traditional. I am an engineering graduate in electronics and communication branch, currently working in a software company, writing a general humor blog with a defective mobile phone. 

(Those who think it is ironic, please explain those who didn't get it) :P 

Image Source : www.boredpanda.com

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